Tuition fee for nationals of an European Union (EU) country *: 4.500 € / year
Tuition fee for nationals of a Non-European country: 9.000 € / year
Tuitions are paid each year according to the rules of the University of Coimbra as follows:
30% of the fee is paid upon registration - mandatory for Non-European Students
The remaining 70% is paid monthly between November and March
BE AWARE » Students that do not comply with the rules above are excluded from the Field Course in Tropical Ecosystems.
Registration fees in all the universities of the consortium
School insurance costs
Travel and logistic costs associated to the field trips (meals & accommodation)
Housing in the different countries
Travel between countries
Personal costs
International Student Scholarships by the University of Coimbra » Financial support
​International Center at Kiel University » Financial assistance
UEA Study with us » Scholarship Finder
Santander | Scholarships » Find your scholarship
* European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
In this group are also included nationals from other countries but having an European country as double nationality.